Friday, January 30, 2009

Zoo Days

Grandpa and Grandma Hage invited us out to a 'Breakfast at the Zoo' at John Ball Park Zoo on December 6th. Of course the kids LOVED it, and we had a great time as well! It was cold, but beautiful, and quite snowy! They had a pancake breakfast indoors, and then after that we went out to check out the zoo animals and how they were doing out in the elements. The highlight was the bears playing....but I unfortunatly didn't get any pictures because Peighton was REALLY cold and REALLY tired and REALLY grumpy!!! We had a lot of fun though. THANK YOU GRANDPA AND GRANDMA! We were also lucky enough to receive a zoo membership for this year for Christmas, and each of the kids had a Zoo Goodie Bag sent to them with a Snow Leopard Adoption letter among a few other items telling them about their 'adopted snow leopard'....they were ssooooooo excited to get these, and love the fact that they are in a special 'zoo club'! Thank you again Grandpa and Grandma!!!

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