Friday, January 30, 2009

Zoo pics

It was funny...these little penguins would follow us around! They must have been bored!

On our way to the zoo after was really snowing!

Addi had to get her pic taken with every one of these 'sculptures'. They were really beautiful!

Peighton helping during storytime...

Breakfast with the fam :)

Zoo Days

Grandpa and Grandma Hage invited us out to a 'Breakfast at the Zoo' at John Ball Park Zoo on December 6th. Of course the kids LOVED it, and we had a great time as well! It was cold, but beautiful, and quite snowy! They had a pancake breakfast indoors, and then after that we went out to check out the zoo animals and how they were doing out in the elements. The highlight was the bears playing....but I unfortunatly didn't get any pictures because Peighton was REALLY cold and REALLY tired and REALLY grumpy!!! We had a lot of fun though. THANK YOU GRANDPA AND GRANDMA! We were also lucky enough to receive a zoo membership for this year for Christmas, and each of the kids had a Zoo Goodie Bag sent to them with a Snow Leopard Adoption letter among a few other items telling them about their 'adopted snow leopard'....they were ssooooooo excited to get these, and love the fact that they are in a special 'zoo club'! Thank you again Grandpa and Grandma!!!

Too long!

Ok, so I've had a lot of people tell me 'I went to check out your blog, and you haven't updated it!'.....I know I know! :D December and January always fly by for us, and this year was certainly no exception. I have many photos to share - two birthdays, a sick Carson, Christmas, New Years Eve, Peighton's never ending wrath of creativity upon our house - among many others! It's been very busy here, but when is that not the case?! I'll be sure to post soon. As usual, I have some work obligations I need to fulfill first!

Be back soon! God bless,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Carson and I are hanging out on the couch right now. I'm catching up on some overdue web surfing (I swear it's got a purpose - I'm looking for some Christmas bargins!). He's going over his Awana verses. He's earned his book, so now the work begins! The one he is working on now is Psalms 118:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good..." But apparently when you say it too quickly without thinking, it comes out "Thanks to the gourd" instead! We had a pretty good laugh about that!

He's doing better today....yesterday was his 6th birthday, and he came down with the flu! He started getting sick on Saturday after we came home from the breakfast at the zoo. Which was tons of fun by the way! I'll post pics in a bit when I get them resized. If you know Carson you know that he is extremely talkative, very bouncy, and runs everywhere (I don't think 'walk' is in his vocabulary!). Well, yesterday we saw none of that; he was on the couch for the entire day, and slept through most of it. He did wake up long enough on a couple of occasions to open up a gift from Grandpa and Grandma Debbie, and to talk on the phone with Aunt Kelli and Grandma. I'll post pics later of his sick sixth birthday. Poor little man!

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and good luck with your Christmas shopping!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Back up slowly.....Back AWAY from the Ranch! Peighton's one true love in life is Ranch dressing. She will actually *gag* eat it *gag* with a spoon *gag* when it's meant for *gag* dipping *gag*. She found this new bottle and tried to make a run for it! She was really mad at me! She kept saying 'NO mama, doot (don't) take it!'

Bringing down the house....

Well, maybe not the house, but the closet at least! Carson was traumatized yesterday; he was playing hide and seek with Brandt, and was attempting to hide in our closet. I think he must have been tugging on some of the clothes that were hanging without meaning to...either that or him trying to scootch under them was enough pressure, but anyway, the whole wrack fell down on him. I heard a huge wracket and him screaming, and thankfully I was already downstairs - I couldn't run fast enough to see what had happened! He was fine THANKFULLY in the corner, but he was certainly scared out of his mind. And I was too! Now I don't know what to do with the whole thing? It obviously isn't as sturdy as I thought it ripped most of the anchors right out of the wall! I wonder if my handy hubby could build me something sturdier? (hint hint...!)

Anyway, here is his rendering of what happened. He is learning to sound spell, so if you can't read what he wrote, it translates into: This fell on me. I was sad. Mom was ??? (Chadd and I can't figure that one out....maybe scared?) And yes, those are rapid fire tears :( Poor guy! I like how I'm screaming :O while doing the splits! No wonder! LOL!

Ugh, my neatly organized closet is such a disaster now :( (but don't get me wrong, I'm just thankful he's ok!)

The Fan {Part one}

Ok, so if you know Chadd at all, you know that he is a Piston's fan. As such, he tries to display his loyalty as often as he can (see halloween pumpkins below ;) He started this project last Christmas and gave up after it didn't quite work as he had planned, but some help from a good friend/neighbor who knows a thing or two about how to oddly string Christmas lights renewed his spirits this year! So here it is, the Pistons Christmas Sign, part one...

Peighton helping with the lights :)

Ok, I had to take this opportunity to display my WONDERFUL shelves that my WONDERFUL husband built for me! They were SO worth waiting 6 years for! :D (I love you honey!) And yes, I have heard that we are the new spokesperson for Rubbermaid storage containers. Another neighbor clued us in ;) And in case you are wondering, yes, there are a lot, and yes, I have even more in my basement that I was hoping to put out there! Oh well...we'll just have to get a bigger garage!

Diligently working....

no, he didn't draw the logo, I did :D That was my small contribution to the project!

Part two to come soon. To be continued!!...........................